一(yī)、英語Service Driven Development怎麽翻譯?
英[draɪv] 美[draɪv]
he mislaid his principles in the drive for success.
1、reception room接待室,會客室。
2、reception centre接待站。
3、reception order入院令。
4、reception desk前台;服務台;接待服務台。
5、warm reception熱情接待。
6、public service公共服務;公衆服務。
7、ask for service要求提供服務。
8、customer service客戶服務;售後服務。
9、community service社區志(zhì)願工(gōng)作,社區志(zhì)願服務,社會服務。
10、room service客房用餐服務。
the provision of services like reception, logistical support, etc. , on predetermined commitment.
qinshui county accommodation, conference, entertainment for the whole large-scale reception service units.
tourism in nanyang city is characteristic of its rapid development, the key scenic spots but its products which are quite systematic and the reception capacity which needs improving.
三、App terms of service and privacy policy
important information
the user shall carefully read and fullyunderstand the user's rights and obligations in this agreement. please readcarefully and choose to accept or not accept this agreement (minors should beaccompanied by legal guardian). unless you accept all the terms of thisagreement, you have no right to register, log in or use the services covered bythis agreement. your registration, login and use will be deemed as acceptanceof this agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
this agreement is an agreement between you(hereinafter referred to as "user") and our company regarding theregistration, login and use of the application services. this agreementdescribes the rights and obligations between our company and users in respectof the application services. "user" refers to the individual ororganization that registers, logs in, uses and browses the service.
your acceptance of this agreement shall besubject to all terms and conditions, including any modification of any terms ofservice made by our company from time to time. this agreement can be updated byour company at any time. once the updated terms are published, they willreplace the original terms without further notice. users can check the latestversion of the agreement terms on this website. after our company modifies theterms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, pleaseimmediately stop using the service provided by our company. if the usercontinues to use the service provided by our company, it will be deemed thatthe user has accepted the modified agreement.
1 、 usage rules
1. users fully understand and agree thatthis application only provides users with a platform for information sharing,transmission and access. users must be responsible for all actions under theirregistered accounts, including any content you transmit and any resultsresulting therefrom. the user should judge the content in this application andbear all risks arising from the use of the content, including the risk caused byreliance on the correctness, integrity or practicability of the content. ourcompany cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by theuser's behavior.
2. any content delivered by users in orthrough this application service does not reflect our company's views orpolicies, and our company does not assume any responsibility for this.
3. the user shall be fully responsible forthe authenticity, legality, harmlessness and effectiveness of the informationtransmitted on the application, and any legal liability related to theinformation transmitted by the user shall be borne by the user himself.
4. our company reserves the right tochange, suspend, limit, terminate or cancel the application service in all orpart of the service content at any time without any notice due to the needs ofbusiness development, and users shall bear the risk.
5. the services provided by thisapplication may include advertisements. users agree to display theadvertisements provided by the application and third-party suppliers andpartners during the use.
6. users are not allowed to make, upload,copy or send the following contents by using the application or the applicationservice:
(1) opposing the basic principlesestablished in the constitution;
(2) endangering national security,divulging state secrets, subverting state power and destroying national unity;
(3) damaging the honor and interests of thestate;
(4) inciting national hatred anddiscrimination and undermining national unity;
(5) those who undermine the state'sreligious policy and propagate heresy and feudal superstition;
(6) spreading rumors, disturbing socialorder and destroying social stability;
(7) spreading obscenity, pornography,gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;
(8) insulting or slandering others andinfringing upon their legitimate rights and interests;
(9) information containing other contentsprohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
7. in accordance with its reasonablejudgment, our company has the right to stop transmitting any content thatviolates relevant laws and regulations or this agreement; or infringes,impairs, threatens the rights or safety of any person, or acts as a fake ofothers, our company has the right to stop transmitting any of the abovecontents according to law, and has the right to take appropriate legal actionsagainst any person who violates this clause according to its own judgment,including but not limited to delete illegal, infringing and improper contentsfrom the application service, terminate the violator's membership, prevent theviolator from using all or part of the service of the application, and saverelevant information according to laws and regulations and report to relevantdepartments.
8. rights and obligations of users:
(1) the ownership of the applicationaccount belongs to our company. after completing the registration applicationprocedures, the user can obtain the use right of the application account. theright of use belongs to the initial application registrant only, and it isprohibited to donate, borrow, rent, transfer or sell. our company has the rightto reclaim the user's account number of this application due to business needs.
[if !supportlists](2) [endif]if theuser does not log in to the account for a long time after registering theapplication account, our company has the right to reclaim the account, so as toavoid waste of resources, and the user shall bear all the problems arisingtherefrom.
2 、 privacy protection
the user agrees that personal privacyinformation refers to the information that can identify the user personally orinvolves personal communication, including the following information: emailaddress (unbound and not collected), ip address. the non personal privacyinformation refers to the user's operation status and usage habits of theservice, and some common information that is clearly and objectively reflectedin the server-side basic record information and all other personal privacyinformation; and the above-mentioned privacy information that the user agreesto disclose. we will only collect your privacy information with your consent.when you cancel your account, we will delete the corresponding information.
1. when you use the service, we may collectthe following information or use the following permissions:
(1) log information refers to the technicalinformation that the system may automatically collect through api interface orother methods when you use our service, including: device or softwareinformation, such as the configuration information provided by your mobiledevice or other programs used to access our service, your ip address, versionand device identification code of the mobile device; you communicate throughour service message information, such as the communication account number, communicationtime, data and duration, is mainly used to help analyze equipment failure.
(2) microphone permission means that whenyou use our service, the system may collect audio information through themicrophone. it is mainly used for intercom and control function of speechrecognition with microphone and voice intercom function of camera equipment ofour company.
(3) the multimedia rights such as cameraand system album mean that when you use our service, the system may collect andread multimedia information through the camera. it is mainly used when you usethe qr code sharing function of our family, you need to use the mobile camerafor qr code identification or import identification through photo album.
2. we may use the information collected inthe course of providing services to you for the following purposes:
(1) provide services to you;
(2) when we provide services, it is usedfor authentication, customer service, security, archiving and backup purposesto ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;
(3) help us design new services and improveour existing services; enable us to better understand how you access and useour services, so as to respond to your personalized needs, such as languagesettings, location settings, personalized help services and instructions, orother responses to you and other users;
3. protection of minors:
we attach great importance to theprotection of minors' personal information. according to laws and regulations,if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the written consentof your parents or legal guardian before using our service, and use it underthe guidance of your parents or legal guardian.
in order to let you have a betterexperience, improve our services or other purposes you agree to, we may use theinformation collected through a certain service for our other services in the formof aggregation or personalization, provided that relevant laws and regulationsare complied with. for example, the information collected when you use one ofour services may be used in another service to provide you with specificcontent or to present you with information that is not generally pushed. youcan also authorize us to use the information provided and stored in the servicefor our other services if we provide the corresponding options in the relatedservices.
we will do everything possible to takeappropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correctyour registration information or other personal information provided when usingour services. when accessing, updating, correcting and deleting the aboveinformation, we may require you to verify your identity to protect youraccount.
it is our company's consistent system torespect the privacy of users' personal privacy information. our company willtake reasonable measures to protect users' personal privacy information. ourcompany will not disclose or disclose users' personal privacy information toany third party without the consent of users, except for the requirements oflaws or government departments with authority granted by laws or user'sconsent.
however, unless the user chooses to agreeat the time of registration, or there is another agreement between the user andour company and the cooperation unit on the disclosure or use of the user'spersonal privacy information, and the user shall bear any risk that may arisetherefrom, and our company shall not be responsible for this. at the same time,in order to operate and improve our technology and services, our company maycollect, use or provide users' non personal privacy information to thirdparties, which will help our company to provide users with better userexperience and improve the service quality of our company.
3 、 trademark information for this application
the um, logo and other graphics, words ortheir composition involved in the application service, as well as other companylogo, product and service names are trademarks of our company (hereinafterreferred to as "our logo"). without the prior written consent of ourcompany, users are not allowed to display or use our company's logo in any wayor make other treatment, and also shall not indicate to others that you havethe right to display, use, or otherwise have the right to handle our logo.
4 、 legal liability and exemption
1. in case of any claim, demand or lossclaimed by any third party, including reasonable attorneys' fees, caused orgenerated by the user's violation of the provisions of this agreement or therelevant service terms, the user agrees to compensate our company, thecooperative company and the affiliated company from damages.
2. our company and the cooperative unitsshall not be liable for all losses suffered by users due to third parties suchas telecommunication department's communication line failure, technicalproblems, network, computer failure, system instability and other force majeurereasons.
3. if the normal operation of the serviceis affected by irresistible events such as technical failure, our company andthe cooperative unit promise to cooperate with relevant units in the first timeto deal with and repair in time. however, our company and the cooperative unitshall not be responsible for all losses suffered by users.
4. like most internet services, thisservice is affected by the factors including but not limited to user reasons,network service quality, social environment and other factors. it may beinvaded by various security issues, such as other people using the user'sinformation to cause harassment in real life; users download and install othersoftware or visit other websites contain "trojan horse" and otherviruses , threaten the security of user's computer information and data, andthen affect the normal use of this service. users should strengthen theawareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attentionto strengthen password protection to avoid loss and harassment.
5. users should understand that the use ofthis service may be affected by various unstable factors due to internetservice. therefore, there are risks of service interruption or failure to meetuser requirements due to force majeure, computer virus or hacker attack, systeminstability, user location, user shutdown and any other technical, internet,communication line reasons. users must bear the above risks, our company doesnot guarantee. our company will not be responsible for the user's failure tosend and receive reading information or receive and send wrong information.
6. users should understand that there isthe risk of anonymous or fake information from any other person, includingthreatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content or behavior, orinfringement of other people's rights (including intellectual property rights)in the process of using this service. users shall bear the above risks. ourcompany and the cooperative company do not guarantee this service of any kindis explicit or implied, including all implied guarantees and conditionsregarding the authenticity, suitability, suitability for a particular purpose,ownership and non-infringement of the information, and shall not be liable forany direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages arising fromthe improper or illegal use of the service by users.
7. the information content defined by ourcompany includes: text, software, sound, photos, videos, charts; all contentsin advertisements; business information provided by our company for users, allof which are protected by copyright, trademark right, and other intellectualproperty rights and ownership laws. therefore, users can only use the contentunder the authorization of our company and advertisers, and can not copy,modify, edit or create derivative products related to the content.
8. in no event shall we be liable for anyindirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special or punitive damages,including loss of profits suffered by users as a result of their use of the appservices (even if the app has been advised of the possibility of such losses).notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement, our totalliability to you, for whatever reason or manner of conduct, shall not exceedthe fees, if any, you paid to us for the use of the application services duringthe membership period.
5 、 other clauses
1. our company solemnly reminds users topay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt our company fromliability and increase user's obligation. please read carefully and considerrisks independently. minors should read this agreement accompanied by theirlegal guardians. the right of final interpretation and modification of theabove clauses belongs to our company.
2. the invalidity in part or in whole ofany provision of this agreement shall not affect the validity of otherprovisions.
3. this agreement is signed in shanghai.the interpretation, validity and dispute settlement of this agreement shall begoverned by the laws of the people's republic of china. in case of any disputeor dispute between the user and our company, it shall be settled throughfriendly negotiation. if the negotiation fails, the user hereby fully agrees tosubmit the dispute or dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction inshanghai, where our company is domiciled.
4. the copyright of this agreement is ownedby our company, and we reserve all rights of interpretation and modification.